Reducing the risk of Legionella in your home

In every home, private or rented, there is a very small risk of Legionella, a bacteria found in water that can cause Legionnaires’ disease, which is a potentially serious and sometimes deadly form of pneumonia.

Legionella is more common in places like hotels, hospitals or offices where the bacteria is in the water supply. But it is possible, although much less common, to find it in hot or cold water systems at home, especially in a home that has been empty for a period of time.

You can get Legionnaires' disease from things like:

  • air conditioning systems
  • humidifiers
  • spa pools and hot tubs
  • taps and showers that are not used often

What can I do to reduce the risk?

1 Regularly de-scale and clean taps and shower heads. Legionella bacteria can multiply on scale, dirt, or rust, so de-scale and clean taps and showers every three months or when there is an obvious build-up. Brush the scale off with a nylon brush and wipe with a diluted bleach solution. You can buy de-scaling solution online or from hardware shops. Take care not to get any solution in your eyes and wash your hands after use. 
2 Make sure your water is the right temperature. Legionella bacteria is more likely to grow between 20°C and 45°C, so where possible set hot water cylinders at 60°C, but please be aware of the scalding risk for users such as children, the elderly, and those with any skin problems. Using cold taps regularly can help temperatures stay below 20°C.
3 If you suspect any issues with your water supply or heating system, such as irregular hot water temperatures or if your water is an unusual colour, report to Melville immediately. 
4 Use all water taps once a week. This helps to make sure you don’t have water standing still in pipes. If you’ve been away for more than a week, run all your taps for a few minutes before using the water. You’ll also need to run the water in your shower. Make sure the water doesn’t spray or splash too much as this can create water droplets. If you can’t remove the shower head, cover it with a towel or plastic bag while you run the water.
5 Disconnect and drain any garden hose pipes after every use.

In social rented homes we need to work together to prevent the possibility of nasty bacteria like Legionella occurring. If you have any concerns or would like further information, please contact our Property team.

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