Becoming a Member of Melville

AGMBecoming a member of Melville Housing is not the same as becoming a tenant of Melville. Anyone over the age of 16, tenant or not, can become a member. Joining is easy, you can either:

  • Use the online form at the foot of this page
  • Pick it up from our office in Dalkeith, or
  • Contact us to request one

The cost is just £1 for lifetime membership which entitles you to a single share in the organisation along with a share certificate. Becoming a member allows you to seek election to Melville’s Board and vote at general meetings.

Melville’s Board is responsible for making key decisions on how the organisation is run. It is made up of a maximum of 15 unpaid volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds and meets on a monthly basis with an Annual General Meeting held every September.

We are happy to receive membership applications from anyone however we are keen to make sure that our members represent all sections of the community. We would therefore particularly welcome applicants with disabilities or those with indirect experience of disability and members of ethnic minority groups.

Membership Application Form

I/we (please include full names) wish to become members of Melville Housing Association

Membership Information

Explore Melville Housing Association

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